Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sister has a new toy...I mean TOOL.

I received an early birthday gift from Kim Schaff, Vice Principal of Great Salt Bay Elementary School in Maine, and a dear friend of this monastic community. When Sister Cecilia heard what this little gizmo could do, she had no hesitation is allowing me to keep this marvelous gift. Thanks to my friend, Kim, the blog now has video! It's called a "Flip." It's a most ingenious little video camera that feeds directly into the USB port of a laptop thereby, making "downloading" and "uploading" quite simple. God bless you, Kim, for your goodness to us. My first try is attached - a short tour of the Richmond office. (I promise the content will improve over time!)
Blessings and love to you all...

- Sister Vicki

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Where in the world is..." Sister Vicki?

Dear Ones,
I know you’ve been “blog-less” for days. I can only say that when I’m not HERE, I’m out THERE doing the ministry I’ve been given. I frustrate myself sometimes with all that I want to do. The last two weeks have been extra full of good things, but things that required maximum energy, focus and attention - ( Oblate Retreat, followed closely by the Feast of Saint Gertrude celebration at our high school, and small catering “job” in the middle.) So, as you know, I need to disappear for a few days, here and there, or even a week, until I can resume the everyday things that bring me such joy.
I do love writing this blog. In some mysterious way, you who read it have become part of my life. I pray for you all and know that you pray for our community. I may never meet all of you, but that makes our connection no less real in my heart. These entries are simply short letters that carry the news of vocations in our community and some of the happening in our monastic life together. Sometimes, the blog becomes a place of prayerful exploration of my own spiritual journey and for your kind indulgence, on that front, I am truly grateful. I hope you will remain with “Monastics On A Journey” for as long as these words edify or connect you to the heart of our community.

Blessings and love to you all…
- Sister Vicki