It is the feast of the Presentation of the LORD. We joined the monastic community's candlelight procession from the main entrance of the Casa into the chapel. What a lovely way to celebrate the encounter between Simeon and the Holy Family. Lord, let your servant now go in peace for my eyes have seen your salvation. We sing this beautiful scripture every night at Compline. What joy he and Anna must have known... This feast always makes me mindful of CHRIST's next coming in glory. Wouldn't it wonderful to see that day?
After breakfast in silence, most of my classmates hit the tram for Rome. I seem to need this day alone. The house is still and my heart is peaceful. AND the laundry is free! Two loads later...I took my weekly walk to the market for a cheapo lunch and a few items. I've blown out 2 of my 3 pens in class so a pack of pens went into the basket. I've never taken so many notes in all my life! (Next week...more loose leaf.)
I've become slightly addicted to these fruit candies. I can't understand what the label says, but they're gummy-like and coated in sugar. They remind me of a candy I had in London as a little girl (1976.) My sister, Lizzie and I couldn't stop eating them. It must be a European thing. Yum...
Aside from the holy feast, it's also "Groundhog Day." I find myself wondering what that little guy saw when he left his burrow this morning. More winter? Early spring? One more Sunday in Ordinary Time and we're into Lent. Time moves forward...and seasons change...drawing us ever deeper into the Paschal Mystery. How rich our tradition...what a gift our Catholic faith!
Blessings and love to you all... - Sister Vicki