The busier my life gets the more I want peanut butter and jelly for lunch. Soemthing about PB & J comforts me - reminds me of being little and having most of life taken care of for me. At 44 those days are long gone, but the memory of a lunchbox and crusts cut off, seems to return me to a place of inner peace.
I'm leaving SGHS in about an hour and heading to McLean, VA - and the Dominican Retreat House. It's a beautiful place - full of light and wood. I'm hoping that once the illusion of control sets in, I'll be able to decompress a bit and really enjoy the peace and beauty of this spiritual oasis. I promise a full report on Monday and fresh photos. In the meantime I request your prayers... I want so much to be used by God - in the best sense of the word. Pray, too, for the women with whom I will share these days. I'm grateful for the friends I've made blogging and the gift of your loving energy in my life.
Blessings and love to you...
- Sister Vicki