OK, I know it's been almost a week. But, sister has been hard at work preparing for an important retreat day (and a special celebration at our high school - news on this event to follow.) On Saturday 60 people gathered in our Chapel for the annual Oblate Retreat Day. Many of these good people are already oblates - persons who have made a profession to live the spirituality of Saint Benedict in the world, to the extent their state in life permits. In other words, they are single, married, male and female. Many are Catholic and many are of other Christian denominations. (Remember, Benedictine monasticism predates all the divisions in the Body of Christ. Benedict belongs to all Christians. There are, in fact, two ecumenical Benedictine monasteries for women in America: Madison, WI and Mount Tabor, KY.)
Oblation is to a particular monastic community and it is a way of life. Becoming an oblate requires a two-year commitment to formation which culminates in a public profession made before the monastic community and GOD. These wonderful people are our extended hands in the world. They take Benedict wherever they go and allow the wisdom of The Rule to guide their lives and relationships. We, as a monastic community, are so grateful to be blessed with the love, energy and gifts of our oblates. I will continue to pray for them as I know they pray for us. Many thanks to Sister Charlotte Lee, OSB and Kathy Frick, Obl. SB, for the invitation and a wonderful day.
Blessings and love to you all...
- Sister Vicki