Thursday, May 7, 2009

A new experience...

Yesterday I was interview by a newspaper reporter. Mr. Lohmann, a kind and curious journalist from the Richmond Times - Dispatch, came to ask me a few questions about “Nun Better”, the no-budget cooking show I’ve been doing on YouTube. I was a bit anxious at first, but quickly the interview felt more like a good conversation. I have no doubt that the article will be interesting, not because I’m all that interesting, but because Bill sees “human interest” in a Benedictine sister who periodically "moonlights" as a chef – not for personal profit but for visibility and the good of our community. I am grateful to this reporter for the hour he spent with me yesterday and for the afternoon video shoot we've planned for next Monday. We (Bill and me) will be on the RTD website cooking something wonderful together. Another first for Sister and probably not the last first for this monastic on a journey! I’ll keep you posted…
Blessings and love to you all…
- Sister Vicki