Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lost and Found...

(This is the first in a series of blogs on the Smithsonian exhibit, "Women & Spirit."

I got lost in Washington, DC, last Sunday. We took five nun-mobiles into the District to see the exhibit on American sisters sponsored by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious [LCWR]. The ride in was lovely. In spite of preparations for the Nuclear Summit, we sailed over the Potomac and onto Constitution Avenue with little difficulty. The trouble began after I let mys sisters off at the museum and went in search of a parking space. I got myself so lost that I had to break DC law and use the cell phone to call our subprioress for help. Forty minutes later - after many tears, one illegal u-turn and lots of prayer, we arrived back at the exhibit with plenty of time left to see and experience what was so lovingly prepared.

What we found there was more than history. "Women & Spirit" chronicles a love for God's people that knows no boundary - a faith that believes especially when we cannot see. The exhibit touches the heart, mind and sense. Video, audio, artifacts and documents bring to life a powerful story of American women living the Gospel and building the Kingdom on earth. What I found there is too rich for broad strokes or a "review." If you're interested, check back over the next two weeks to see powerful images and reflect on the gift of religious life in America. If you can, go and see it for yourself. Oh, and take the Metro.

Blessings and love to you all...

- Sister Vicki