The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin gives us a wonderful opportunity to meditate on the glories of heaven. In her person God manifests the wholeness and dignity which is proper to every believer. The Blessed Mother experiences death – crosses the boundary between here and there. In that she shares our humanity. But the Church teaches a different end to her story. Her body is not returned to the earth but taken to heaven. Her body and soul know no separation. She is, by virtue of her faith in the angel’s word, given a special prerogative. And we, in her assumption, are given a glimpse of what we can only imagine. “Eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for those who love God (I Corinthians 2:9)." But one day when the human project reaches its fulfillment, we shall each be made whole in Christ. Our bodies, like our souls, shall be raised and glorified. It is too much to understand but not too much to believe. If God raised Jesus from the tomb, God can raise us as well. Perhaps one of the greatest gifts of this Marian feast is the knowledge that God wants this wholeness for us. To her who bore the Son of God, this special gift was given first. We who have followed Christ through death into life by baptism will know this sacred unity of body and soul at the end of the age. What we celebrate today for Mary, we celebrate also for ourselves. Where she is – body and soul – we shall also be. Happy feast!
Blessings and love to you all...
- Sister Vicki