Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tis' the season...

I woke up feeling a bit down this morning. It occurred to me that it doesn’t really matter why or if it makes sense. It’s just a feeling. I don’t expect it to last long. Like weather patterns, my feelings usually move through rather easily. I tend to give them a wide berth – allow them to be in spite of what I’d rather be feeling. Most of the time my feelings give me important information – give me clues to what’s going on deep within. So much of our inner life is unconscious or put to the side for “more important things.” When we squash a feeling we don’t want to have, it just comes back to the surface with greater gusto. So, I’ve learned to reverence my feelings and give them space to bring their wisdom.

Many people have a hard time during the holidays. Remember that Elvis song, “Blue Christmas”? I know of some churches that actually have a blue Christmas tree for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one or enduring a clinical or situational depression. I think it’s helpful when the Church can tangibly acknowledge pain and suffering – especially the kind that’s hard to see.

Oddly enough, I feel my unexplained mood is perfectly compatible with Christian hope and the joy of this holy season. Hope and real joy run deep in us. It’s the stuff we do that defies the circumstance of our days - a smile given because it’s needed, a kind word when we feel a bit empty, the food, clothing and toys we gather for the poor in spite of the pressures of the season. Christmas will come in our hearts if we accept that there is only one gift worth giving – our love. So, to all of you feeling a bit blue today, we can be blue together, you and I. And GOD, who so loved the world, will be with us as we await the Light who pierces every darkness.

Blessings and love to you all...

- Sister Vicki