Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Weekend that Wasn't...

Sometimes, GOD just has another plan. We were scheduled to welcome four wonderful women for a vocation retreat this weekend. All four, one by one, expressed regrets for a variety of good reasons I was coming up the driveway of the monastery Friday morning when I received word that the one remaining guest was held captive by bad weather four hours southwest of Bristow. “OK, Lord,” I said. “This just wasn’t meant to be.

I trust we will see all four of these lovely women down the road. Certainly, their presence among us would have been gift. But, there are always blessings – even in plans gone south. I found myself with a free Saturday. Me. Home at the monastery with no program to run or task to accomplish. What in the world would I do? Well…for starters, my Christmas cards will actually go out before the Nativity. Yup. Can’t believe it, myself. I have spent the last twenty-four hours simply being here with my sisters. I have lingered at table and in Chapel. I have slept long and deep. I have reclaimed my winter clothing from the bowels of the house and rejoiced at the prospect of soft, comfy warmth. I have enjoyed Saturday breakfast with the sisters who eat late (after Morning Prayer) – which can go on for an entire hour if the coffee is fresh and the conversation unrelenting. In short GOD’s plan has turned out rather nicely. Do you think the good Lord goes to such great lengths to slow me down? I think not. But, I know that when my plan gets the boot, GOD has a blessing in mind. So, to all the dear ones we missed this weekend, not to worry. Your Vocation Director has been gifted with rest and the comfort of just being in the place that always returns me to my best self. See you soon, we hope.
Blessings and love to you all…
- Sister Vicki