He washed their feet. That carnal act of tender care never ceases to amaze me. Tonight, my prioress washed the feet of twelve willing souls – lay and monastic, male and female, young and old. It’s a powerful sight – a ritual that concretizes the gospel in a simple act of love. We are to be as he was – servant of all. It’s really that simple.
The feast that followed ushered in the new season – the great three days of Triduum. A lamb – symbol of the Paschal sacrifice – was shared among sisters and friends. Our simple dining room transformed into a banquet hall – we feasted in His honor.
It’s late for me now. But the night will go on here. We are staying awake with the Lord tonight. The Lord’s Supper and our festive banquet are past. Now, we sit and vigil before the Blessed Sacrament until midnight. Tonight, we treasure the presence of Him who will be taken from us tomorrow. We know how the story goes – unlike those poor apostles. How wonderful to stay awake an hour with Him – to strain against sleep for love of the risen One who need die no more. Even now – in risen glory – we remember his passage. We remember and we listen in the silence for the first bells of Easter. We remember and we believe.
Blessings and love to you all…
- Sister Vicki