Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Prayer...

In the beginning, O God,
your Spirit brooded above the waters,
and all that is
came to be by your life-giving Word.

May we who are sustained, by the wonders of creation,
live gently upon this earth.

May we who draw breath,
protect the trees that purify our skies.

May we who eat,
plant seeds where we have reaped a harvest.

May we who drink the earth’s clear water,
become its constant guardians
so that, generation to generation,
no people shall die of thirst.

We ask this in your name, O God,
who fashioned us from clay to bear your image,
and through your Son, the Word made flesh,
who walked upon this tender earth,
and in the power of your Holy Spirit,
Breath and Sanctifier,
one God – forever and ever.