This morning I laid out three cereal bowls and spoons – one for Sister Mary, one for Karen and one for me. (You probably can guess which one us eats from the melamine "Spiderman" bowl. It was a gift, OK?) It was such a happy sad moment. I felt a rush of joy because this simple ritual means that our house in a home again – we are three. I felt a twinge of sadness, too, because that was always Sister Charlotte’s gift in the early morning. I remember how it made me feel loved when I first moved in three years ago. It really is the little things in community – or in a family – that touch the heart deeply. I missed her this morning - even as I thanked God for Sister Mary and Karen.
Today was their first day at Saint Gertrude High School. I can’t tell you how many teachers and students stopped to greet us! There is great joy around their arrival and the gift of their presence at Saint Gertrude this year. Miss Alexander, who did her undergrad in Mathematics, will intern with Campus Ministry and be a Math resource for students who need some one-on-one support. Sister Mary, a former research librarian – will do special projects in the Library & Media Center. They both have many gifts to share, though it is their joyful Benedictine selves that will be the real gift to our school. Both received homemade “welcome” cards from Miss Fusco’s theology class. Very sweet… And there were some real sweets in the mailbox marked, “Benedictine Sisters.” It was a lovely first day of school that began with a very good morning. Three bowls on the kitchen counter mean that my days of dining alone are over. More importantly, three bowls mean our Benedictine way of life is continuing in Richmond. That is something to celebrate!
Blessings and love to you all…
- Sister Vicki
- Sister Vicki