I LOVE my job! Today, I met an Affiliate of our community for lunch in the city of Arlington. I scooped her up at work and we spent the next thirty minutes hunting for a parking space in a very quaint, trendy neighborhood. After about twenty laps around town, (ok, 500 is a bit of an exaggeration,) I started praying. As there is no patron saint of parking spaces (that I know about), I went to the Blessed Mother. "Hail Mary, full of grace, help me find a parking space." I only ask when it's important - like in the midst of a gas crisis! She never lets us down. A spot on an outside street appeared. Actually, it had a broken meter - that might have had a bit to do with the vacancy, too. But, I stuffed it full anyway and we made it through a lovely, "lady-lunch" without a parking ticket. GOD is sooooo good!
I am blogging on the road to my next adventure. I am speaking with a group of newly-baptised Catholics at Our Lady Queen of Peace, in Arlington. (See, the BVM was really watching over me today.) This is their time of "mystagogy" - reflections on various mysteries of the faith. Tonight, we will contemplate the gift of the Spirit. (Wonderful timing as Pentecost is ten days away. We can already hear the wind blowing in the daily gospels from John.) Hold us all in prayer tonight...and one for a safe drive to Richmond would be greatly appreciated, too.
Blessings and love to you all...
- Sister Vicki