Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11th - Feeling better...

Well, friends, I've had three doses of magic medicine and the pain in my throat is gone. I plan to skip the outing tomorrow - as much as it disappoints me - in the hope of a complete and lasting cure. I made it through our two hour lecture this morning and to all prayers and meals. Something about the basic bones of our life is so good for me... I've felt isolated and more than a bit homesick. The good women in this house have done all they can to encourage healing. I had a little envelope at my door from Sister Maria Sophia - one of the sisters who lives here at the Casa - containing an Italian chocolate bar (miracle cure for most things) and a note wishing that I would "get soon well." Sister is a native of Germany and she speaks English and Italian. Although I had some study of their way of life in graduate school, living with the Missionary Benedictine Sisters has been a revelation of God's work in their midst.

Founded in Germany in 1885, the Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing claim Fr. Andreas Amrhein, OSB, a monk of Beuron, as their patriarch. What began as an exclusively German order, is now an international community of women from 26 nations. These sisters live the Rule of Benedict in community, are constitued and nourished by the Liturgy of the Hours, and consider the whole world their apostolate. I am in awe of their good works in so many places.

Today, I tried singing a German hymn at Eucharist. Not as hard as I thought in that the words sound much as they appear on paper. I have no idea what any of it meant, but it felt good to have a voice again and join it to their song of praise. Some days, the hymns and acclamations are in several languages: German, English, Latin, Tagalog, Portugese, Korean. The universal church...quite an experience. Have to go to 4 PM study group...I've missed twice this week. Love and blessings to you Bristow, in Richmond, in South Carolina, New Jersey, Chicago, Cincinnati and Minnesota. - Sister Vicki